Put your best foot forward

Put your best foot forward

The biggest problem in older feet is dehydration. As we age, the skin thins, we lose subcutaneous (just-under-the-surface) fat, and our tootsies become as dry as the desert. Fascinatingly, that's partly a side effect of a circulatory system preferentially looking after the female organs, and directing blood there. 

Its important not to wear closed-in shoes without socks or tights; The moisture from your feet drains into the shoes, drying out the skin - and your feet. Open sandals with bare feet are fine as they let your feet breathe.

Calluses and corns: A callus is a thickening of a surface layer of the skin - hard skin, in other words, which usually forms in response to pressure, often on the ball of the foot, the heel and/or the underside of the big toe. Well-fitting shoes, plenty of moisturising and regular buffing should keep calluses in check, while seeing a podiatrist for regular treatments is also a boon. For corns, professional attention is vital - ideally as soon as you get one. 

Corn is a tiny cone-shaped mass of hard skin with a visible center; it can be excruciatingly painful. The key is to consult a podiatrist , who's experienced in biomechanics (the action of how you walk) to find the cause - which could be tight shoes, toe deformities, sticking-out boney bits or an unbalanced gait. As well as treating the corn, you should get an advice in order to prevent a recurrence; they may suggest supportive inserts called orthotics, which can be individually made, or increasingly off-the shelf.

Warts: These small, rough lumps on the skin, caused by a virus, occur mostly on feet (where they are called verruca) and hands. Most clear up spontaneously time (could be long process though). But since they are contagious and unsightly, treatment is worth exploring. 

Thick toenails: Medically called 'onychogryphosis', it's also known as Ram's Horn Nail. Its safe to file thick toe nails down with a sturdy emery board or foot file. Podiatrists can reduce them speedily with a diamond file. But the damage to the nail bed is likely to be long-term, so don't expect nails to grow back quiet normally.

Morton's neuroma. Women over forty sometimes get a shooting pain in one foot when they getup in the morning. This may be down to the condition called Morton's Neuroma, where a nerve is compressed, usually in the space between the third and forth toes. Acupuncture can help, but in some cases surgery may be necessary. 

Plantar fasciitis (PF). Inflammation of the plantar fascia, a band of tissue that stretches from your heel to your middle foot bones, causing intense pain. One thing we know: FitFlop sandals help this foor condition (and many others).

Bunions: These inflamed and painful bumps on side of your big toe join afflict about one woman in three in the west. The moment you notice a problem, consult a qualified podiatrist specialising in biomechanics and human movement. The underlying cause is usually the foot shape you inherit, but looking after your feet - and in particular wearing roomy, softer foot-shaped shoe - may help. Wearing toe separators round the house may also be helpful. Avoid high heels and pointed toe except for glam occasions, and don't wear flip-flops continuously. If you need surgery, make sure that the surgeon is really experienced.

Tip: Always cut toenails straight across; don't cut and dig down in outer corners.


Ref: 'The Anti-agening Beauty Bible' by Josephine Fairley & Sarah Stacey

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