Get a great hairstyle

Get a great hairstyle

We may be bossy about how to clean your face or apply foundation so that it takes years off you, but we don't feel that anyone should prescriptive about what hairstyle suits who at what age. That's because - today, almost anything goes for older woman. Pixie short-cuts. A bob. A funky-chunky textured cut. Long hair. 

What we have done is to create a montage of some fabulous-looking hairstyles. Use it as your inspiration if you don't feel your current style is working for you and you need ideas. You might also want to keep your own cuttings folder of women whose hair you think looks fabulous. Tearsheets aren't just for teens; they are great communication tool at any age. Don't be shy to take this into your present stylist - or to a new one: please don't be afraid to divorce your current hair beau if they can't give you a good hair year - and workshop the ideas with them. (Actually, at this age you really don't need to be shy about anything, any more...)

Opt for a very best hair cut you can afford (also colour) We prioritise hair over clothes, because unlike even a most favourite jacket or a pair of shoes, your hair is something you wear every single day of your life. Going around with good hair makes you feel amazing, whatever else is iffy. And it can make such an impression on other people 

If you've had a same hairstyle for years, think about this: is this your 'signature' style? In which case that's absolutely fine. We know plenty of women who've had the same style for-flipping-ever, and we can't imagine them in any other way. With those visual markers in place, your actual age can be almost unnoticed. What may need to change, however, is your colour.

If you spot someone with a great haircut, ask them who looks after their hair. We do it. Honestly, that person will be flattered.

Don't decide on a new cut while you are wearing a salon robe. The style should suit the type of clothes you wear, and your stylist should always, always see you in your everyday clothes before cutting your hair for the first time. They should also take into account the texture of your hair, which is ultimate deciding factor for any style. Never trust a stylist who decides on how to cut your hair having only ever seen you after a shampoo.

Ideally; schedule a consultation before you get your hair cut. Use this face-to-face (which you should never be charged for) to give your stylist potted history of styles you have loved - and hated - so they can get an idea of your favourite looks. Let them run their fingers through your hair, and feel its weight and texture.

Be truthful with your hairdresser about the amount of your time you have for upkeep. Can you wash and blow-dry everyday? If you opt for a short, precise cut, have you got time and funds to trim every three to four weeks?  If you want to decide your life to your hair, that's your call, but if you want low-maintenance hair so that you can get on with everything else you want/ have to do, you're going to need a style that can be tousled dry with some styling product, or tied back, or pinned up simply. 

Avoid razor cuts like the plague. Always, always talk through with your hairdresser how they are going to "texturise" the ends, if thats part of the look you are going for, or thin out very thick hair. Razors can roughen the cuticle and the tips; the hair appears more dull because you have disturbed the reflective surface, and it can go as flat as a crepe. 

If you have very curly hair, go very short - or go very long. Anything in-between is unbelievably high maintenance and can have a massive 'broom' effect. (Or you could consider a Brazilian keratin hair straightening treatment, though be aware that in tandem with banishing the frizz, it can get flatten your previously fulsome hair.)  


  • Use a little light-textured hand cream to add a non-greasy texture to short-hair.
  • Use a shower cap as a portable hood dryer for quick styling. Put Velcro rollers in, put the shower cap on, and tuck the nozzel of a dryer in the corner of the cap. This creates an even heat over the hair for much faster setting.

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